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Is it safe to use a Public WiFi network? Don't count on it!

Some Public WiFi networks can be beyond evil. Here's how a VPN can help you protect your Internet data.

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Public WiFis - Everyone wants to go online, but no one wants to compromise their security

Most free Wi-Fi Hotspots in public spaces such as hotels and coffee shops have weak and insufficient router configurations and lack strong password security. This is what makes users of WiFi in these spots easy targets for hackers and other cyber criminals.

If you want to connect your laptop or smartphone to public WiFi you must take the necessary precautions needed to keep you and your data safe. Account details on unsecured networks are what cybercriminals are out for. Don't let them have it! Secure your connection with a VPN!

Hackers see weak unprotected WiFi hotspots as targets for theft

Those connected via unsecure public WiFi can be ridiculously easy to attack and internet users everywhere rarely think twice before connecting their devices to them. When a cyber criminal succeeds in compromising a public WiFi network you're using, they can utilize a number of techniques to steal your privacy.
Read below on a few of the most common ones.

Types of WiFi security risks

The Evil Twin attack

In this type of attack, hackers create phony access points that are setup to look like real ones. Assuming you’re at an airport that has a legitimate wireless hotspot called OHare-FREE WIFI. An amateur hacker could design a network of their own called Ohare-Guest Free that lures surfers to connect. Once that happens, all your DNS queries as well as your non-HTTPs Internet data are 100% exposed.

Man-in-the-Middle attack

(also known as MITM) - Here the cyberthief positions themselves between your device and the non-HTTPs websites that you're accessing. This gives them the ability to monitor your online activity. Using this method, The man-in-the-middle can offer up fake pages to login, asking for your banking details, steal your passwords and see other private communication. Unless the website that you access is secured by HTTPs, you have no idea this is happening!

WiFi sniffing

This technique provides cybercriminals all they need to view all the data that is running through a network. Thanks to software that is pretty basic, easy to use and unbelievably legal to acquire, hackers can easily spy on your online activities. They can see your login information and compromise your online accounts to steal money, sensitive data and even worse your identity.

Securing your public WiFi connection -
Here is what you need to do.

Getting a VPN is ultimately the most solid and effective Public WiFi protection that you can get that will both protect your online privacy and allow you to keep secure on public WiFi.

With all the threats out there, many people think that VPN is a complex and geeky tool. Not true! With a click of ONE button, your incoming and outgoing traffic get encrypted in a secured tunnel. This makes it impossible to monitor, intercept or decipher your data.

As soon as you have MaxiVPN installed on your device, you can connect to any public WiFi network with peace of mind, knowing that your Internet data is 100% protected and preventing yourself from becoming a hacker's next victim.


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